Tuesday, February 9, 2010


LONG long ago,there were a lived a herd of elephants.They lived at the edge of a village in a kingdom.The kingdom had no ruler.Among the elephant called Dempak.He was the cleverest among them.So,he was taken to be their leader.
Everyday,Dempak and his friendswent to the edge of the jungle.There they would eat leaves or shoots.Then they would be full and they would be very happy.After that they would lie in the hot sun.
In the evening,Dempak and his friends would return home.They live near an empty space.It was far away from the village.So,nobody disturbed them.
One day,Dempak received a complaint from his friends.One of the elephants had destroyed vegetables in the village's farms.Immediately,Dempak gathered his friends.
"Who did it?"asked him.
The elephants remained silent.Then an old elephant lifted his trunk and made a small noise.
"I am sorry,Dempak,"said the old elephant politely."I did not want to destroy the vegetables.I did it because I was beaten up by the naughty boys in the villange.
"So that's why you destroyed the vegetables?"asked Dempak.The old elephant nodded."We must not look for trouble.We don't want any enemies.You have made a big mistake.The people will be treating us like thier enemies now,"said Dempak.
"What shall we do now?"asked the other elephants worriedly.
Dempak thought for a few moments.Soon he was ready to speak.
He said,"We have to meet the village headman and ask for forgiveness."
The next day,Dempak and his friends visited the village headman.
"Why have you come?"the village headman asked Dempak.
"One of my friends destroyed the vegetables farm.So we come to say sorry for what was happened,"replied Dempak.
The headman was happy.He liked Dempak for his honesty.He called the villagers for a meeting.
"From this day,the group of elephants are not our enemies anymore,"he said."They are now will be our good friends."
The people agreed to be friends with the elephants.
ThE eNd...........

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~oWn~ said...

nie mesti amek cter dlm buku cter pastu copy kan kan???huhuhuhuhu